17 June
Dear Friends,
The American pastor, Fred Craddock describes how he went to be pastor of a rural church in the heart of America’s mid-West. To mark the arrival of the new clergyman the congregation held a summer picnic in a forest beside a lake. As the barbecue smoke died down and the shadows lengthened the people lined up to take their farewells and to wish the new pastor every success. One by one they shook his hand and explained who they were. They also added what their particular skills were. ‘I’m a nurse,’ one woman said, ‘If any of the old folk are laid up with aches and pains, let me know and I’ll pay a visit.’ ‘I’m an accountant,’ said one man. ‘Sometimes the farmers around here get deep in debt before they know it. If you hear of this, get in touch with me. I can help people with budgeting.’ ‘I’m a builder,’ said another. ‘That roof on your house tends to spring a leak every few years. If that happens, don’t hesitate to call me.’ One woman said she was in social work specialising in young people. ‘If you meet any mixed up kids, give me a call. I can make a difference.’ And so it went on, as the members offered their particular skills one after the other. What is the church all about? The church is all about Christ in community. The Lord Jesus creates a caring community of friends and the caring community of friends bears witness to the Lord Jesus.
Denis Campbell
(Locum minister)