pastoral letter Guest User pastoral letter Guest User

12 June

Dear Friends,

This week I would like to make a big plug for the third of our Summer Prom concerts this Sunday, June 13th, in support of the Mulanje Mission Hospital in Malawi. The concert features Café de Chansons and special guests in a programme of French popular song. Café de Chansons played the Mulanje Mission Hospital Concert a couple of years ago and were absolutely wonderful. The concert will go up on our website at 13.00 hrs and I thoroughly recommend that you access it at some point.

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pastoral letter Guest User pastoral letter Guest User

5 June

Dear Friends,

Greetings to you as another week rolls by - and we are one week closer to opening up our church for limited numbers and subject to Covid regulations.

As I mentioned in an earlier letter, we are proposing to open the church from Sunday June 20th. My last service will be July 4th and the plan is therefore to invite anyone who so wishes to register for Sundays June 20th, June 27th and / or July 4th. Depending upon how many people government regulations allow, Consistory will then allocate people to each of these three Sundays, trying to ensure that everyone gets a chance to attend at least once. Current regulations stipulate 30 physically distanced people but that might increase in the next few weeks.

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pastoral letter Guest User pastoral letter Guest User

29 May

Dear Friends,

I have spent much of the past week attending the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland via Zoom, listening to many debates concerning the future of our denomination. Our Scriba, Heleen, was also a Commissioner on this occasion. It was not an entirely joyful experience.The Church of Scotland, like many denominations, is in severe decline with many problems of finances, membership, recruitment of ministers etc. It is good, therefore, that the General Assembly always takes place around the time of Pentecost - which we celebrated last Sunday - as, especially in recent years when the news of the state of the church has not been good - it is important to remember that the church was launched 2000 years ago with just a tiny group of inadequate people. Through the power of the Holy Spirit great things happened.

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pastoral letter Guest User pastoral letter Guest User

22 May

Dear Friends,

Greetings to you all and I hope this finds you well.

This coming Sunday is Pentecost, when we recall how shortly after Jesus' ascension the wind of the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, transforming them and sending them out on their mission to the world. The Holy Spirit is spoken of in John's Gospel as the Comforter - one who brings strength to the vulnerable and I do pray that you will know something of that Spirit strength in these difficult times.

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pastoral letter Guest User pastoral letter Guest User

15 May

Dear Friends,

A few matters for this week:

1) at our Consistory meeting this week we decided that, all being well and if things continue as they are, we will be opening the church for a limited congregation on Sunday June 20th. At present we can't be sure how big the congregation can be - currently it would be 30 but it might have increased by then, so we will have to monitor the situation.

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pastoral letter Guest User pastoral letter Guest User

8 May

Dear Friends,

in my sermon last Sunday my theme was 'connectedness', taking my cue from a passage in John's Gospel where  Jesus speaks of himself as a vine of which we are the branches (a theme I am continuing with this Sunday). I think it was very appropriate that after the service a marvellous online concert in aid of the Mulanje Mission Hospital in Malawi that we had organised was posted on our website…

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pastoral letter Guest User pastoral letter Guest User

1 May

Dear Friends,

I'm glad to say that despite the limitations imposed by Covid church life does go on and there are  some important notices for you this week which I'd draw your attention to.

1) This Sunday, May 2nd, is the first of our 'Summer Proms' Zoom concerts in aid of the Mulanje Mission Hospital. A wonderful concert has been pre-recorded by our musicians, featuring music by J.S.Bach, Adolf Busch and Joseph Haydn. It will go up on our website at 13.00 on Sunday and be available thereafter. Don't miss it! The next concert is in three week's time, May 23rd. See our website for more details.

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pastoral letter Guest User pastoral letter Guest User

24 April

Dear Friends,

This Sunday's passage for our service is perhaps the best known passage in all of Scripture: Psalm 23, which begins, 'The Lord's my  shepherd, I shall not want...' This is a psalm that has been set to beautiful music and is regularly read or sung at funerals, weddings and other rites of passage. It strikes me what a very good passage it is for this COVID time.

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pastoral letter Guest User pastoral letter Guest User

17 April

Dear Friends,

I do hope that in the past few days news of my impending retirement has reached all of you through one channel or other. As I said in my letter, this has not been an easy decision but various factors make me feel it is the right one and the right moment.

The words that have been coming to my mind in recent days are those of the hymn - I suppose really a children's hymn - and a good one in times of change:

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pastoral letter Guest User pastoral letter Guest User

10 April

Dear Friends,

Greetings to you once more, one week after Easter Sunday.

This Sunday our reading takes us first to Easter Day, when Jesus rose and appeared to his disciples in an upper room in Jerusalem and blessed them with peace, and then to a week later when he appeared to them again in the same place and again greeted them with his peace. On the first occasion one of Jesus' disciples, Thomas, was not there and could not believe the other disciples' reports that they had seen the Lord.

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