pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

12 March

Dear Friends,

Dorothy tells me she read that this has been the sunniest start to March in the Netherlands since records began. It has certainly been uplifting to see the sun and feel its warmth even in the midst of some chilly winds. However, this blessing is not shared by all and we are all very conscious of yet more accounts of death and destruction in Ukraine. We pray for the people of Ukraine and for the leaders of neighbouring countries, that they may have the wisdom and the courage to make the right decisions, as the situation may well get worse before it gets better…

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pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

2 March

Dear Friends,

None of us will have been unmoved or unaffected by the news emerging from Ukraine. It is a matter of great concern that war has once again erupted on the continent of Europe, as is the suffering of families who are bereaved, separated and traumatised by the violence.

Every time we consider the plight of those in Ukraine it seems to make turning our attention back to the ordinary things of everyday life feel like we are abandoning those who suffer. We often feel we should be doing more to help while, in reality, there is nothing we can do to help in the situation….

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pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

23 February

Dear Friends,

Thank you for the invitation to return to the Netherlands and share in the ministry of the ERC as locum minister. Many of you will be aware that Dorothy and I lived in the Netherlands from 2016-2020. Our home was in Nieuw Vennep and we worked with the International Baptist Theological Study Centre (IBTS) based at Postjesweg in the Nieuw West area of the city. We made many friends in Nieuw Vennep as well as at IBTS and the VU Amsterdam. We also greatly appreciated the fellowship extended to us at the ERC during those years.

The last time I preached in the ERC was March 8, 2020, and….

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pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

17 February

Dear Friends

This week we welcome back David and Dorothy McMillan in our church. David and Dorothy worshiped with our congregation for four years before moving back to Northern Ireland for work. Rev David McMillan, a minister in the Baptist tradition, will be our locum minister until just after Easter…

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pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

3 February

Dear All,

A final farewell and thank you from Margaret and myself to all our friends at ERC.

We have thoroughly enjoyed our three months, you could not have made us more welcome, and we are more than grateful for the many kind words and messages, and the lovely gifts you gave us at last Sunday's reception.

More importantly we will cherish the memories of the many people we met and the new friendships we have made…..

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pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

27 January

Dear Friends,

Although it seems to have passed so quickly, our time in Amsterdam is drawing to a close, and next Sunday is my final Sunday.

From the Remembrance service on the Saturday after we arrived, to the three communion services at the beginning of each month, to welcoming Helen Voos as a new member of the congregation as she professed her faith, to celebrating Elijah Digber's baptism last Sunday, to the ecumenical carol service, to the pop-up nativity on the Sunday before Christmas, to sharing the services with many different people reading or helping to lead the prayers, to preparing the liturgy sheets with Anja, to working with Richard on the music for the services, to the wonderful singers, musicians and choir, and to preaching Sunday by Sunday and leading the congregation in worship, it has been a great privilege….

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pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

19 January

Dear Friends,

With restrictions easing just a little, I am delighted we will be able to welcome people back to church on Sunday. What a difference it will make. 

Although the online services have kept people in touch with the church, speaking to a camera lens is not nearly as good as speaking to a live congregation.

And on Sunday we will also celebrate Elijah Digber's baptism, the 8 week old son of Ivan and Naa Digber - a very special occasion indeed….

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pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

13 January

Dear Friends,

On Monday afternoon Margaret and I caught the train to Haarlem and enjoyed walking around the cathedral and the old town. Two shops caught our attention. One was a gents outfitters which boasted 'We help men to be gentlemen' The second was a chocolate shop which is wonderfully named Olala Chocola. Having long despaired of the first, you will not be surprised to hear Margaret took refuge in the second shop and bought something to enjoy with her coffee after dinner…

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pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

5 January

Dear Friends

Let me wish everyone a very good New Year and let's hope and pray 2022 proves to be a much healthier and easier year for us all.

It hardly seems possible that January has arrived and my last month as the locum minister. Although the restrictions have meant we have not been able to welcome visitors, or visit the many places we had hoped to visit, we continue to enjoy our time in Amsterdam…

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pastoral letter Laura Elliott pastoral letter Laura Elliott

29 December

Dear Friends,

With restrictions meaning the church services need to be live streamed, can I express my warmest thanks to the tech team for all their skill and hard work. As I have watched the services later, I am amazed at how well they have been able to weave everything together….

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